organic Pasture raised eggs

Our egg laying hens are free range, pasture raised in our extra large enclosure. We maintain a barnyard mix of Ayem Cemani, Cochins, Easter Eggers, Plymouth Rock, Sussex, Marans, Wyandotte and Orpington. They receive plenty of sunshine and forage along with organic, Non GMO feed. All these things combined make for an excellent quality egg.

Free range, cage free, and pasture raised eggs have higher levels of minerals and vitamins including A, D, E, and K as well as folate. They also contain more Omega-3 fatty acids.

Our eggs are fresh and gathered every single day. The shelf life is much longer than the store bought eggs that sit in a cooler in a distribution center before being shipped to grocery store.

Convenient to local communities, our Dunn NC pasture raised eggs are available all the time. Stop in and say hello and pick up a dozen!